Master neuro checks

New to neurocritical care or a neuro floor?

Sign-up to enroll in our free email course, Conscious Neuro Assessments: Tips for Nurses!

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    Kati Kleber, MSN RN

    Nurse Educator, Author

    Who am I?

    I have been a nurse since 2010 with experience in med-surg, stepdown, and neurocritical care. I've has been a preceptor, mentor, charge nurse and am now a nurse educator with a passion for supporting new graduate nurses. I am the owner of the FreshRN® online platform, specifically created to support, educate, and encourage newly licensed nurses.

    What will you learn?

    Lesson #1 - Why accurate neuro checks are imperative + general neuro considerations

    Lesson #2 - Conscious neuro exam, step-by-step

    Lesson #3 - Noticing subtle neuro changes + what can cloud the exam

    Lesson #4 - Documenting and communicating your findings

    + 2 cheat sheet PDFs to download for quick bedside reference